Promote Sustainable Fertilization Methods for Environmental Protection:

At Index Green Energy’s biorefinery, we have developed two organic fertilizers that ensure sustainable fertilization practices while prioritizing environmental protection.

The first fertilizer we offer is the Ammonium Sulfate, which is derived from the anaerobic treatment (or fermentation) of organic substances. This product is specifically formulated to deliver nitrogen in a dissolved form, making it easily available and immediately effective for various crops. It contains 8% ammonium nitrogen and 9% water-soluble sulfur, providing a balanced nutrient composition suitable for all types of crops. Additionally, it can be used as a stand-alone fertilizer or combined with other liquid fertilizers for optimal results.

Our second offering is the Ammonium Sulfate-Urea, which is an EC (Electrically Conductive) fertilizer designed to maintain a balanced nitrogen-sulfur ratio. This product contains 6% sulfur in the readily accessible sulfate form, ensuring immediate availability to plants. As with the previous fertilizer, the Ammonium Sulfate-Urea Solution can be used independently or combined with other liquid fertilizers, offering flexibility for farmers. It has a total nitrogen content of 20%, with 6% derived from ammonium nitrogen and 14% from carbamide nitrogen.

By utilizing these fertilizers, farmers can promote sustainable farming practices while safeguarding the environment. The balanced nutrient compositions of our fertilizers optimize plant uptake, leading to enhanced crop growth and productivity. Furthermore, their compatibility with other liquid fertilizers allows for tailored fertilization strategies, maximizing agricultural efficiency. Choose our environmentally friendly, high-quality liquid fertilizers to support both your crops and the planet.

FAQs On Our Bio fertilizer

Biofertilizer is a eco-friendly and sustainable fertilizer that contain living microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae. These microorganisms help improve soil fertility and promote plant growth

Ammonium sulfate is a commonly used inorganic fertilizer that provides plants with essential nutrients like nitrogen and sulfur. It is highly soluble and quickly releases nitrogen for plant uptake.

Biofertilizer containing ammonium sulfate or ammonium sulfate-urea offer a dual advantage. They combine the benefits of organic nitrogen from biofertilizer with the quick-release nitrogen from ammonium sulfate, providing an optimal nutrient balance for plants.

The presence of beneficial microorganisms in biofertilizer improves soil structure, enhances nutrient availability, and promotes root development. Ammonium sulfate supplies essential nitrogen, stimulating vigorous growth, improved leaf development, and increased crop yields.

Yes, biofertilizers containing ammonium sulfate or ammonium sulfate-urea are safe for the environment. These biofertilizers are free from harmful chemicals and do not contribute to soil or water pollution. They support sustainable agriculture practices.

Biofertilizer can be applied either as foliar sprays or incorporated into the soil during planting. The specific application method and dosage may vary depending on the crop type, growth stage, and soil conditions. It is advisable to follow the instructions provided by Index Green Energy Company for optimal results.

Yes, biofertilizers containing ammonium sulfate or ammonium sulfate-urea can be used in organic farming. These fertilizers meet the requirements of organic certification standards as they are derived from natural sources and do not contain synthetic chemicals.

The results of using biofertilizers may vary based on various factors such as crop type, soil condition, and application practices. However, in general, positive effects on plant growth, vigor, and yield can usually be observed within a few weeks of application.

Yes, biofertilizers can be used in conjunction with other fertilizers to maximize nutrient availability and plant growth. However, it is recommended to carefully assess the nutrient requirements of the particular crop and ensure that the combined use of fertilizers does not result in nutrient imbalances or excessive application.

You can purchase biofertilizers containing ammonium sulfate or ammonium sulfate-urea from Index Green Energy Company through their authorized distributors or directly from their website. Detailed information about product availability and purchasing options can be obtained from their customer support team.