Our vision: Index Green Energy Limited – The global leader of Alternative Energy

Harnessing renewable resources for energy production is a crucial component of the future energy landscape. Utilizing renewable resources as a long-term substitute for fossil fuels can simultaneously address the issues of agricultural surplus in Africa. Our aim is to strengthen and enhance our standing as one of Africa’s foremost biofuel

producers. We strive to solidify our position as a key player in the African biofuel industry, while also working towards its expansion.

Mission Statement

Our Mission: Always exceeding expectations

At our core, we strive to be pioneers in the biofuel industry with our cutting-edge “made in Nigeria” biofuel production. Our unwavering commitment to sustainability drives us to handle our environment’s natural resources responsibly and conscientiously.

By employing state-of-the-art technology, we actively contribute to ensuring a secure and reliable energy supply. As esteemed biofuel producers, we are consistently demonstrating up to 90% reductions in CO2 emissions when compared to traditional fossil fuels, making significant strides in climate protection.

Index Green Energy Stands For

  • Achieving environmentally friendly and long-lasting production of groundbreaking biofuels and associated products.

  • Optimizing the reduction of CO2 emissions through the biofuels generated.

  • Promoting ecologically and economically efficient transportation options to actively combat climate change.

  • Foster collaboration with local agriculture to develop mutually beneficial partnerships.

  • Pioneering advancements in biofuel technologies to drive innovation.

  • Ensuring sustainable growth and fostering responsible cooperation among employees, customers, shareholders, policy makers, and the scientific community.