Our Corporate Social Responsibilities

Index Green Energy Company is dedicated to implementing sustainable corporate social responsibility initiatives that prioritize the health and well-being of rural women in Nigeria. Through our comprehensive programs, we strive to address the unique healthcare challenges faced by the various communities in Cross River State, and also in Nigeria at large to foster positive change.

Recognizing the vital importance of healthcare access, Index Green Energy Company works hand in hand with local healthcare providers and organizations to improve the availability of essential services for rural women. We organize medical camps and mobile clinics, bringing healthcare directly to these underserved areas. Through these initiatives, women gain access to vital check-ups, immunizations, and reproductive health services, ensuring their health needs are met. Maternal and child health is a particular focus of Index Green Energy Company’s initiatives. We understand the significance of proper care during pregnancy and childbirth, and the impact it has on the well-being of both mothers and infants. The company implements programs that emphasize pre-natal and post-natal care, safe deliveries, and child immunizations. By offering training to local healthcare workers and traditional birth attendants, they enhance the quality of maternal and

child healthcare in rural communities, ultimately reducing maternal and infant mortality rates. Index Green Energy Company recognizes that access to clean water and sanitation facilities is fundamental to overall health. In response, we undertake projects to improve water supply and sanitation infrastructure in rural areas such as Awi communities in Akamkpa local government area of Cross River State. By constructing and rehabilitating wells, boreholes, and sanitation facilities like toilets and hand-washing stations, they help prevent waterborne diseases and promote better hygiene practices among women and their families.

Nutrition plays a crucial role in the health and well-being of rural women. Index Green Energy Company implements nutrition programs that educate women about balanced diets, healthy cooking practices, and the importance of breastfeeding. Additionally, we support the establishment of community gardens and promote sustainable farming practices, empowering women to grow nutritious food for their families and communities.

Through our commitment to health education and awareness, Index Green Energy Company empowers rural women to make informed decisions about their well-being. We organize workshops, seminars, and community discussions on various health topics, ranging from hygiene and family planning to HIV/AIDS prevention and common illnesses. By providing accurate health information and fostering awareness, we contribute to the overall health literacy of women in various communities of Cross River State.